How to Make Dried Fruit,How To Dehydrate Fruit-Henan Baixin Machinery
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How to Make Dried Fruit/How To Dehydrate Fruit

Aug 09, 2021

How to Make Dried Fruit/How To Dehydrate Fruit:

  Dried fruit is fruit from which the majority of the original water content has been removed either naturally, through sun drying, or the use of specialized dryers or dehydrators. Dried fruit has a long tradition of use dating back to the fourth millennium BC in Mesopotamia, and is prized because of its sweet taste, nutritive value, and long shelf life.
  Dried fruit contains various nutrients and dietary fiber, which has the functions of supplementing protein, resisting oxidation and promoting digestion, supplementing vitamins needed by the body, stimulating appetite, promoting urination and quenching thirst, and improving constipation.
  No sugar, no salt, no oil, and no additives at all, which is the natural state of fruit after drying and concentration. Compared with fresh fruits, dried fruits can supply more potassium, dietary fiber, and antioxidant substances. Besides, the volume of dried fruit is about 11% to 31% of fresh fruit, and the weight is about 10% to 25% of fresh fruit, which can significantly save the cost of packaging, storage, and transportation, and is convenient to eat and carry. Dried fruit can be stored for a long time at room temperature because of its low water content.

How to make dried fruit at home:

  • 1.Prepare the fruits of your choice by rinsing them off and removing any tough skins, rinds, cores, and seeds.
  • 2.Add sugar to boiling water and then wash away the moisture on the surface of the fruit with clean paper.
  • 3.Cut the fruit into slices, then spread it on a plate, pour the boiled sugar water, do not overlap the fruit slices, and avoid uneven heating.
  • 4.Cover with plastic wrap and let the plastic wrap stick to the fruit slices so that the fruit slices can be immersed in sugar water.
  • 5.Let the processed slices stand for more than 1 hour, or one day is better. 
  • 6.Remove the sugar water from the soaked fruit slices and spread them into baking trays with oiled paper.
  • 7.Sieve the powdered sugar evenly on the silica gel pad, then spread the fruit slices and sieve the powdered sugar again. Bake it in the oven at 80 to 100 degrees for about 5 hours, turn it over halfway, and observe that the fruit is dry.

How to dehydrate dried fruit in a dehydrator:

  Fruit is something we often eat in our life, and dried fruit is a delicious snack. After sorting, washing, slicing and other pre-treatments, fruits are dehydrated to dry products with a water content of 15% to 25%. Dried fruit is made by washing and slicing fruits, and then removing most of the water content by natural air drying, sun drying, freeze-drying at low temperature, frying, and dehydration. Spread the fruit slices evenly on the tray in the dryer, do not stack too thick fruit slices, and then dry them in the propelling drying room. Set the temperature and time on the smart touch screen. The temperature should not be too high at the beginning, to avoid the loss of water on the surface of fruit slices so that the water inside can not come out. Therefore, the first stage temperature is set at 40℃, the drying time is 3 hours, the second stage time is set at 50℃, and the drying time is 5 hours. When the time is over, the machine automatically stops, and then the dried fruit is packaged. 
  Advantages: saving labor cost; Drying room temperature: 10℃ to 75℃ is adjustable, all-in-one, mobile, easy to use, plug-in, 220V power supply; Low drying cost and good effect. Large air volume, intelligent temperature control, intelligent humidity control, and two-stage heat recovery.

  If you want to dry fruit in large quantities, it is recommended that you use a dryer to dry fruit. Baixin Machinery is a manufacturer specializing in the production of dryers. It has 20 years of rich experience. For fruit drying, it has professional drying equipment and mature drying technology to ensure the perfect drying effect.

  The most popular fruit dryers of Baixin Machinery are heat pump dryers and continuous mesh belt dryers. I will introduce these two dryers in detail for you:

1:The first method:fruit heat pump dryer

Commercial 100-3000kg/h large amount of dehydration wide application and easy operation
  Heat pump drying machine use the principle of inverse Carnot cycle. It absorbs low-temperature heat energy in the air, which becomes high-temperature heat energy after efficient heat collection and integration by the heat pump system, and is transported to the drying room for cyclic heating and drying of materials.It refers to exhausting the hot and humid air in the drying room directly to the outside of the drying room through dehumidification device, and then replenishing natural fresh air.

  Hot air circle drying machine belongs to high temperature heat pump unit. Its working principle is: the working fluid of the heat pump is compressed by the compressor, becomes high temperature and high pressure gas, enters the condenser, condenses and liquefies the heat, and is used for air heating in the drying room. The moisture in the material is vaporized and evaporated by the form of hot air, and the evaporated water vapor is discharged by the moisture discharge system, thereby achieving the purpose of drying the drying material.

2:The second method:fruit continuous mesh belt drying machine

Large amount of dehydration 200-5000kg/h fruit drying machine continuous automatic work easy operation
  Fruit dryer machine is a kind of continuous production drying equipment, the main heating way has electric heating, steam heating, hot air heating. Its main working principle is to spread the material evenly in the network. The material is moved in the dryer by the operation of the machine, and the hot air draws out the water vapor of the material. so as to achieve the purpose of drying.
  The operation temperature is 40-120 degree centigrade. And the dry cycle is 1-5 hours.

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