How to Dry Pigskin,Dehydrate Pigskin in a Dehydrator-Henan Baixin Machinery
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How to Dry Pigskin/Dehydrate Pigskin in a Dehydrator

Jul 26, 2021

Introduction to pigskin

  Pigskin is a meat product material with high protein content. Meat products such as skins, jelly, ham and other meat products processed from pigskin as raw materials are not only good in toughness, but also good in color, aroma and taste, and are important for human skin, tendons, bones, and hair. Physiological health care effect. The protein content of pig skin is 2.5 times that of pork, the carbohydrate content is 4 times higher than that of pork, and the fat content is only half of that of pork.

Pigskin processing steps

  Can choose to use pigskin after fur, disease-free and scarless. Soak the peeled pigskin in warm water for 30 minutes, then scrub with a bamboo brush or plastic brush. Use a knife to scrape off the dirt on the epidermis, repair the dirt, clean off the bristles, and take root removal. Try not to use a sharp knife to shave the hair, avoid leaving the hair roots in the skin and affect the quality of the finished product. Repair the remaining fat on the surface of the skin with a knife. It is required that no silk fat remains, so as not to affect the degree of oil explosion. The cleaned, fat-removed pig skin is cut and shaped (the traditional process in some areas needs to be steamed and then cut). The size of the cut is between 5-10 square centimeters, and no more than 10 square centimeters, otherwise it will be oily. It is difficult to pack after bursting. Natural skin pieces smaller than 5 square centimeters can also be processed. There is no need to cut into small pieces and reshape, otherwise it will be easy to break after packaging, transportation, and sales. According to market demand, pig skin can also be processed. Cut into shreds, diced and other shapes to meet different customer needs. Put the cut leather pieces into the material grid tray, insert the material grid tray into the material cart like a drawer, push the material cart into the drying room, and close Close the door and drying can begin.

Pigskin drying process:

  According to the heat pump type 6P drying and dehumidification integrated host, equipped with a polyurethane insulation drying room with a length of 5.8 meters, a width of 3 meters and a height of 2.2 meters, it can be loaded into 8 material carts at a time, and each car is loaded with 200 kg of cooked pig skin. , A total of 1600 kg, the temperature is set at 45°C-60°C, the drying process is divided into three stages to complete, the first stage temperature is 45°C, time is 5 hours, and continuous dehumidification. The second stage has a temperature of 55°C and a duration of 5 hours, continuously dehumidifying. The third stage has a temperature of 60°C, a time setting of 8 hours, continuous dehumidification, and drying can be completed. The color of the dried pigskin is brownish-yellow or brownish-brown curled bright pieces, until the mark can not be pressed with fingers.

1. Post-processing of pigskin
After drying, pigskin will overflow with a lot of grease. Therefore, in the later processing, the grease needs to be removed before the oil explosion can occur. If the grease attached to the pigskin is not removed, it will not be possible to make a belly and remove it. In order to soak the pigskin in warm alkaline water, use a brush to clean the oil stains, and then rinse with warm water to drain the water.
2. Artificial puffing of pigskin
Before the oil explodes, the pigskin needs to soften in warm oil. This is the key to whether the hair rises. The oil temperature should be controlled at about 40°C-50°C. Higher temperatures will also affect the degree of hair rise. , Whether the softness meets the standard depends on the degree of softness of the skin. This operating standard cannot be accurately and clearly stated in the text. Only practice makes perfect in the processing process, and the final production and processing experience is the main one. After softening, the fried meat skin should remain soft and not hard. After the temperature of the oil in the pan is raised to 80°C, put the meat skin into the oil pan and turn it to heat. When the oil temperature reaches 120°C Pigskin can be swollen. The oil temperature should be controlled during the swelling process. The temperature should not be too high. The key is to maintain the sensory level of not burnt, ageing, and yellowing and the standard for complete swelling. After the fur is fully swollen, After being removed from the hot oil pan, the grease should be controlled and cooled to room temperature before packaging. The packaging must not be carried out without controlling the grease and lowering the temperature, otherwise it will affect the packaging and product quality.
3. Machine puffing treatment of pigskin
Use a conical high-pressure semi-automatic extruder to heat and increase the temperature of the inner wall of the machine chamber. Load 1-1.5 kg of dried pig skin into the machine chamber, add an appropriate amount of puffing agent, close the pressure switch, and quickly heat up. , So that the temperature inside the machine reaches 150°C-180°C, the speed is 80-100 revolutions per minute, and a certain pressure is generated in the machine. As the temperature rises, the pressure reaches 10 gauge pressure after 5-7 minutes. (The pressure gauge refers to 10), stop heating, turn on the pressure switch to explode, put the puffed pigskin into a plastic bag, and seal the finished product.

Recommendation of pigskin dryer/drying machine

Commercial 100-3000kg/h large amount of dehydration wide application and easy operation

  Heat pump drying machine use the principle of inverse Carnot cycle. It absorbs low-temperature heat energy in the air, which becomes high-temperature heat energy after efficient heat collection and integration by the heat pump system, and is transported to the drying room for cyclic heating and drying of materials.It refers to exhausting the hot and humid air in the drying room directly to the outside of the drying room through dehumidification device, and then replenishing natural fresh air.

  Hot air circle drying machine belongs to high temperature heat pump unit. Its working principle is: the working fluid of the heat pump is compressed by the compressor, becomes high temperature and high pressure gas, enters the condenser, condenses and liquefies the heat, and is used for air heating in the drying room. The moisture in the material is vaporized and evaporated by the form of hot air, and the evaporated water vapor is discharged by the moisture discharge system, thereby achieving the purpose of drying the drying material.

Pigskin drying video


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