Dehydrate Guava in a Dehydrator,Guava Drying Process -Henan Baixin Machinery
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Dehydrate Guava in a Dehydrator/Guava Drying Process

Jul 15, 2021

Introduction to guava

  Guava, native to South America, grows in barren land or low hills. Its fruit is used for food and its leaves for medicine. It has the functions of stopping dysentery, stopping bleeding and strengthening stomach. After boiling and drying, the leaves are used as tea, which tastes sweet and has the function of clearing away heat.

Guava processing steps

1. Raw material selection
The maturity should not be too high, just hard cooked. Select 8-90% mature fruit, clean it, cut it lengthwise with a knife, dig out the fruit sac with a spoon, then cut it lengthwise into 8 cm wide strips, then put in 0.2% sodium pyrosulfite and 0.2% calcium chloride mixed solution for color protection and hardening treatment for 4-6 hours, and then pick up the rinsing water. The fruit sac of guava contains hard seeds, so it is not suitable for preserves. It can be used for making jelly or juice.
2. Precooking
When precooking, boil the water and put in the raw materials. The time is generally 2-3 minutes, subject to the translucence of the raw materials and the beginning of sinking. Cool with cold water immediately after blanching to prevent excessive blanching
3. Sugar processing
If the raw material is precooked first, the precooked raw material can be put into 30% cold sugar solution while it is hot for cooling and sugar staining. If the raw material is not pretreated, then use 30% sugar solution to boil for 1-3 minutes until the pulp becomes soft. After 8-24 hours of sugar soaking, remove the sugar solution, add 10-15% of the weight of sugar solution, heat and boil, pour in the raw materials to continue sugar soaking. After 8-24 hours, remove the sugar solution, add 10% of the weight of sugar solution, heat and boil it, then add it back to the raw materials, and use the temperature difference to speed up the sugar penetration, so as to achieve the low sugar content of preserved candy. Starch sugar can be used to replace 45% sucrose, which can reduce the sweetness of preserved guava and make it still full and soft. If we want to increase the sugar content of guava preserved, we should continue to infiltrate sugar until the required sugar content.

Guava drying process:

  After the guava candy reaches the required sugar content, remove the sugar liquid and wash it with hot water to remove the surface sugar liquid, reduce the viscosity and facilitate drying. The finished product of preserved guava should be translucent, glossy, light orange to deep orange yellow, consistent color, uniform sugar penetration, full tissue, no obvious crude fiber when eating, sweet and sour, and outstanding flavor of the original fruit. The total sugar content is 60-65%, the total acidity is 0.5-0.8%, and the moisture content is 18-20%. In the process of drying, the temperature can be controlled at 45 - 55 . In order to facilitate the evaporation of moisture, the low-temperature drying time is longer. In the middle stage, the machine can be shut down to soften naturally, so that the moisture can move out, and the machine can be started again for drying.
After the guava preserves meet the drying requirements, they are softened and packaged. During the drying process, the fruit pieces often deform and need to be flattened after drying. The main packaging method is moisture-proof and mould proof. Dry fruit can be used as the main packaging method. The composite plastic film bag is used to make retail packaging of 50g and 100g. Guava preserved product is dark orange yellow to orange red, glossy, translucent, consistent color, complete appearance, full tissue, dry surface, not sticky to hands.

Recommendation of guava dryer/drying machine

Commercial 100-3000kg/h large amount of dehydration wide application and easy operation

  Heat pump drying machine use the principle of inverse Carnot cycle. It absorbs low-temperature heat energy in the air, which becomes high-temperature heat energy after efficient heat collection and integration by the heat pump system, and is transported to the drying room for cyclic heating and drying of materials.It refers to exhausting the hot and humid air in the drying room directly to the outside of the drying room through dehumidification device, and then replenishing natural fresh air.

  Hot air circle drying machine belongs to high temperature heat pump unit. Its working principle is: the working fluid of the heat pump is compressed by the compressor, becomes high temperature and high pressure gas, enters the condenser, condenses and liquefies the heat, and is used for air heating in the drying room. The moisture in the material is vaporized and evaporated by the form of hot air, and the evaporated water vapor is discharged by the moisture discharge system, thereby achieving the purpose of drying the drying material.

Guava drying video


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