How to Dehydrate Onion,Onion Drying Machine-Henan Baixin Machinery
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How to Dehydrate Onion/Onion Drying Machine

Jul 28, 2021

 Introduction of Drying Onion

   Onion nutritional value is very high, is also a very nutritious vegetable, therefore, in peacetime many people love to eat onion. Whether eaten raw or cooked, there are many health benefits. But if we want to eat Onions, we must learn to choose Onions first. So, how do you pick Onions? First of all, when we buy Onions, we should pay attention to the drier, the better the onion skin, and the more tightly wrapped, the better. Secondly, we can see the texture of the onion from the surface. The skin is transparent with a tawny-colored texture. The ball of the onion is intact, without cracking or damage.
  There are two kinds of onion orange skin and purple skin, orange skin of the onion each layer is thicker, more water, more crisp taste; Purple skins contain less moisture and each layer is thinner. The yellow ones are sweeter and the purple ones are spicier. You can choose according to your own needs.
  If you want to make dry Onions, use large and plump Onions.

 How to use the dehydrator to dry Onions

  1. Slice and rinse. Use a knife to cut the tips of ripe Onions, dig out the roots, and peel off the onion coat, skin and scales until the inner layer is tender white or yellowish-white. Remove the damaged part, separate the onion by size and rinse once in clean water. Yq-1 onion directional slicing machine was used to cut the onion into rings with different diameters. The width of the onion slices was 4 ~ 4.5mm. Rinse with water as you cut, shaking out the overlapping wafers. When rinsing, put the scallion slices into a bamboo basket or a porous plastic basket in a running clear water pool, turn the scallion slices up and down with a slotted spoon, and generally rinse with clean water 3 times.
  2. Throw water and dry. After 30 seconds of centrifuge, take out the gauze together with the spring onion pieces and spread them on the drying screen. The mesh screen holes are generally 3mm×3mm or 5mm×5mm. Then install the drying screen on the drying truck rack. Before feeding, the dryer is preheated to 60℃ and the drying temperature is controlled at 58 ~ 60℃ for 6 ~ 7 hours. When the moisture content drops below 5%, a single tunnel or hot air dryer can produce 300 ~ 400kg dehydrated onion slices within 24 hours. Generally, 13 ~ 15 tons of raw materials, can produce 1 ton of dry products.
  3. Select. The selection process is divided into three stages. First, the shallots are moved into the separator to screen out debris and impurities, and then unqualified yellow, green, brown, heterochromatic, and impurities are picked out on the conveyor belt, and metal inclusions are removed. After one or two treatments, the onion slices are poured on a stainless steel table or non-toxic white plastic board and carefully selected. According to the quality standards of finished products, the onion slices are put into double-layer edible plastic bags.
  Baixin agricultural deep processing equipment is special drying equipment designed and produced according to the physical characteristics and dry material requirements of agricultural and sideline products such as fruits, vegetables, medicinal materials, and grains. It uses pure hot air generated by a heat exchange furnace to turn over multiple layers and dry layer by layer. dry. This machine is quick to dehydrate and dry, easy to operate, and efficient in operation. It can meet the needs of large-scale continuous production while retaining the nutrients and colors of the products to the greatest extent. 
  The dehydrated vegetables that have been dried using the special mesh belt dryer from Baixin company have good color, low breakage rate, and high yield. The mesh speed, temperature, and humidity can be adjusted according to production needs to meet the drying treatment of dehydrated vegetables with different moisture content and different varieties.

Composition of Onion Dryer
Baixin mesh belt type dehydrated Onion dryer is composed of 4 parts: feeding conveyor, drying system, heat source, and discharging conveyor. 

Technical Data of Onion Dehydrator Machine

Onion drying video

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